CargoFL - Dispatch

Manage Dispatches

  • Manage and Record Dispatches
  • Associate dispatches to vehicles and drivers
  • Single interface for dispatch consolidation
  • Track Vehicles via GPS based VTS (Vehicle Tracking System)

Generate/Process Invoices

  • Electronic processing of all invoices - Save Paper - Go Green
  • Access to invoices submitted by vendors real time
  • Review, Approve or Reject invoices
  • Mark invoices as Paid post releasing payments

Dispatch Reports & Analytics

  • Generate reports at different stages real time
  • Assess performance of departments like operations, billing and accounting
  • Types - Vehicle Report, Vendor Report, Dispatch Report etc.

ERP Bridge

  • Seamlessly connect with your SAP or Oracle JDE ERP System
  • Download and Upload invoices, PO's, SO's and link with dispatches
  • Multi invoice to dispatch connect on a single click


  • Consolidate all your resources at one place
  • Communicate seamlessly to multiple vendors through one platform
  • Generate productivity reports by vendor

eWay Bill

  • Generate e-Way Bill automatically from dispatch information
  • Generate both Part A and Part B
  • Easy reconciliation between generated eWay Bills & LR's
  • Save time and money with eWay Bill related automation

Online LR & ePOD

  • Online LR
  • Upload unlimited POD's
  • Track POD's
  • Relate Billing to POD's
  • Access POD's on Mobile
  • Download POD's and print

Digital Vault

  • Upload documents like invoice, POD's, Gate Pass, additional document in the system
  • Access documents via cloud from anywhere anytime

CargoFL Dispatch- In A Minute